Monday, 30 September 2019

WOW Year 3

I have just checked the leader board for Spelling Shed and look which class is at the top! Well done to those playing. Keep playing 😃 

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Mathletics Assembly 2.30pm

Don't forget we have a special assembly tomorrow afternoon all about Mathletics. This is what we are now expecting our children to use for their homework in Years 1-6 so we are very excited to be hosting this special assembly at Model Village tomorrow afternoon (Monday 30th September 2.30pm - Main Hall).
All parents attending will be given a free raffle ticket and will also be given a small maths pack, containing a few goodies, for their child/children.
Children get very excited when using Mathletics in school so we want to share that excitement with our parents and show you how to support your child/children using this great programme at home.

See you there!
Mrs Bush

Year 6 News and Macmillan Coffee Morning

A huge well done to Eric!

Eric is our Golden Star this week as he is the perfect role model in our class and in school. He works hard, gives nothing less than 100% and completes all his homework on time. I wonder who will be our star next week?

Remember, to keep earning those smilies; you need to read every night and complete your Mathletics, Spelling Shed and Rocktsar challenges that are set to keep earning them each week. There are some great prizes already in the cabinet and I've bought some more this weekend so keep those smilies piling up!

The Macmillan Coffee Morning proved to be very successful and it was great to see so many parents both during the morning and at the end of the day! Here are just a few photos of the Year 6 children enjoying their cakes. Thank you to our 2 school councillors: Eric and Jasmina for helping out - you did a great job!

Year 5 News

Well done to Corey for being our shining star.  A really effective description using lots of similes and expanded noun phrases.

The children have really enjoyed getting into our topic work this week and researching lots of different natural disasters.  Each group of children plan to be the expert on their choice of disaster be it sink holes or avalanches!  Last week they enjoyed researching and playing the games on Mapzone.  You can find this site here:

Only 4 children have had a go at their Mathletics homework.  It's a tricky one this week but remind your child to get themselves a piece of paper to draw a number line on.  This is the method we have used at school and the children have found it really helps when rounding numbers.  As always, have a go over the weekend and if the children have any problems, they can come and speak to me about it on Monday.

Don't forget it's swimming on Monday - children will need their kits in school and no jewellery!!

Saturday, 28 September 2019

FS1 Nursery Update 🍪🍩🍰🍵

Thank you to all the parents and carers that contributed with cakes and/or money to the Whole School Macmillan coffee morning/afternoon. The FS1 Nursery children had a lovely treat snack time!
Image result for macmillan coffee morning

The Shining Stars children this week were Igor and Natan. We have seen a lot of very interesting and imaginary play from both boys. Igor is proving he can think of his own ideas and encourage his friends around him to join in and add to their role play. Well done!

Friday, 27 September 2019

Year 2

Another great week in Year 2 this week.

Well done to our shining star of the week Olly.B

We have enjoyed our cakes today. Thank you for supporting a great cause.  

This afternoon we have spent some time with Ipads using spelling shed, times tables rock stars and mathletics. The children are eager to come home and use them over the next week. We also had more children in the reading raffle this week.

Your child has come home with their new spellings this week. One group as the rule is /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y. The second group as words with the ng sound. As a class we are hoping for better results new week in our test.

In RE this week the children have really enjoyed hearing and discussing a story that Jesus shared - The lost son.  Ask them if they can tell you about it and what the meaning of the story was.

In PE we are working on our throwing and catching skills. We had to use the hall this week due to the weather.

In Art we have been practising our mark making skills so we can use them in our own self portrait. 

Have a lovely weekend

Year 4 News

This week the children have been learning about Roman Numerals during their Maths lessons.
During English the children have planned a beating the monster tale and have begun writing it. They have been thinking carefully about using descriptive phrases to interest the reader.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Lyons, a teacher from the Academy worked with the class. They have been drawing self portraits and colouring them using water colour crayons. The children's art work will be displayed in Shirebrook Library and then the Four Seasons Shopping Centre in Mansfield.

I'm am pleased that more children are trying to use Mathletics, Times tables Rockstars and Spelling shed at home and spelling test scores are improving.

Children can practise a times table test like the one they will be expected to do in June. Visit: speed test

Well done do Shaya-Lei Kirby who  received the golden star certificate this week. Shaya-Lei demonstrates a good attitude to her work both in and out of school and she is always willing to help with jobs. Thank you Shaya-Lei.😊

12 children were entered in to the reading raffle today, sadly no winners, however, Eliza and Tsvetomir did win last week. Well done to you both. 😊😊

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Coffe Morning

Don't forget to drop by and say hi at our coffee morning tomorrow.  Adults are invited from 9:30-10:45am and children can buy a cake at 11:00-11:45am.  Any remaining cakes will be available to buy at the end of the school day.

Children should bring 50p to buy a cake and wear non-uniform.  All proceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Care.

Ant donations of cakes, etc. (homemade or shop bought) will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your support.

Mini Models news

Here a few photos from the past week in Mini Models.
Don't forget tomorrow is the school's cake morning and no uniform day!