Saturday 13 July 2019

We've had a lovely first week in Year 5.  We've really enjoyed getting to know the children and I hope they've enjoyed getting to know us too.

We've been discussing our hopes and aspirations for the future and are looking forward to completing some artwork on Monday.

Well done to Archie and Jamaine who had a special mention in Golden assembly and to Ruby who won our certificate.

Just a few things to let you know over the weekend...

The children were given their first piece of homework for Year 5.  On Friday, we did some work on modal verbs so the homework sheet focusses on these.  Please help your child complete the sheet and take good care of it until they return it.  It's due back on Wednesday but if anyone wants to return it before then, they are more than welcome.  If your child has found this too hard and would like some help, they can come and see me at lunch time on Monday or Tuesday.  If the sheet is lost, they will need to ask for a new one!

I have also asked the children to use Times Tables Rock Stars and Spelling Shed over the weekend.  I can see that Alfie and Brooke have had a go at some spellings and practiced their times tables.  Really well done to you two.  They have got to be first in line for my golden smilies on Monday!  That is, unless anyone else can beat them...

Our attendance this week was pretty good at 98%.  Well done to all those children who came to school every day.  However we were pipped at the post by Year 3, who had 98.67%!!  Let's see if we can beat them in the last week of the year!

Did you know that the reading raffle is still running?  As a school we usually have about 100 people in the raffle but this week we only had 22!  We have taken in school reading books but we'd still love children to read.  They can read all sorts of things: a book from home, a book they have borrowed, a book from the library, a magazine or newspaper...  As long as you sign their diary to say they have read each day, we can add them to the reading raffle for the final time this year.  On Monday, I've asked the children to bring to school the books they are reading at home so that they can see each others'.  They might even inspire one of their classmates by recommending a book to them.

And finally, all children were given their annual report on Friday.  I hope you have enjoyed reading them and are pleased with the progress they have made in Year 4.  Here's to a great year in Year 5!

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